Thursday, January 3, 2008

Eightfold Path

  • Yama (Cleansing the character. Being truthful, honest, kind and so forth)
  • Niyama (Increasing the mastery of will over the body by taking up vows.)
  • Asana (Fixing a posture in which one can sit absolutely still for 3 hour. The yogi should feel comfortable and the spine should remain straight and perpendicular to the ground.)
  • Pranayama (Breathing techniques to calm the mind and heal the body. It also increases concentration and the alkaline nature of blood.)
  • Pratyahara (Withdrawal of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind from any kind of distraction and focussing it on a single object.)
  • Dharana (Achieving some amount of one-pointedness. Its analogous to the concentration of sunrays through a magnifying glass.)
  • Dhyana (The complete focussing of the mind-stuff on a single object. Its like a laser beam.)
  • Samadhi (Becoming one with the object of meditation. To accomplish samadhi is to attain full knowledge of the object and have full power over it.)