Thursday, September 25, 2014

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Aryan Invasion Hoax

The Indus Valley Civilization is not older than the Vedic culture. The idea that the Harappa & Mohenjo Daro urban ruins predate the Vedas is a clever hoax. This is based on the argument of the scholars of the early twentieth century. They said that the Saraswati river must be a myth as it's existence cannot be proved geologically. So the Aryan's must have come from outside India. That is the Aryan invasion theory. Furthermore, the historians during the British Raj were politically biased. They meant to subjugate the Indian morale by hook or, by crook. Max Muller opined that "The Vedas are worse than Savages!". Its was Muller who said that the Vedic civilization began no earlier than 1200 BC which is outrageous. The western scholars used his view against the Indian culture. They said that the Vedas were the songs composed by shepherds with no philosophical value!!! But after translating Sayana's treatise on the Vedas, Max Muller was filled with appreciation for the vast cultural wealth of ancient India. But the damage was done by then. The historian's refused to change their opinion of the Vedas even though Max Muller took back his earlier foolish words. Max Muller, Arthur Schopenhauer and other great thinkers realised that the Vedas were rich in Philosophy, Astronomy, Mathematics and spirituality.

Did the early Aryans migrate? Yes Indeed! From the recent satellite photographs its clear that the gigantic Saraswati river basin was located between Har-ki-Dun in the Himalayas and the Runn of Kutch, Thar desert in Gujarat. It dried up around 2600-2500BCE due to movement of the tectonic plates and the Rishis had to migrate to the Ganga basin. The early civilizations were all river based. Thats why the most ancient Vedas speak of river Saraswati and the later Vedic hymns of Ganga. Even the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Puranas speak of Bhagirath's penance and the emergence of Ganga from Shiva's matted locks.

Rig Veda 1/3/10:
The Vedic hymn states that Saraswati is the giver of cereal grains, food and prosperity. She inspires knowledge at the hearts of her devotees. Here the spirit of the river has been addressed as the Goddess.

Rig Veda 1/3/11:
Saraswati conveys wisdom to those who are on a truthful path. She enhances consciousness. By granting divine knowledge, she upholds yajnas, the fire sacrifices.

Such verses prove beyond doubt that the early Vedic Societies were situated on the banks of river Saraswati. The Indus Valley civilization was but a small part of the urban development that came much later than the early Rigveda. Majority of the Indus civilization was washed away with the movement of plates that shifted the course of the Saraswati river. This also proves unmistakably that the Aryan Rishis were ancient people of India; they originated, evolved into the highly intellectual, spiritual and philosophical civilization all by themselves in India. And there was never an Aryan Invasion from Russian Ural or, Europe as the early Western scholars have tried to imply.

The Aryan Invasion Theory had been a hoax hatched up for domination. Remember Germany's search for the origin of the Aryans. Was it for academic research or, political boost for the Germans? Who have profited the most from the Aryan Invasion myth?

What is samadhi? What is Turiya?

Question: We hear that there are 4 states of existence in every living being. Such as: waking, dreaming, deep-sleep and super-conscious (Turya). If Turya is just a separate state, how can it be the goal of samadhi? A finite state of mind cannot be the goal of yoga. Then it would become just another transient, time bound and worldly experience! So, is Turiya or, super-conscious a separate state?

Answer: This question is very important and subtle.
The 3 states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep are inside Turya.
Turya is all encompassing, all-embracing, all inclusive.
Turya is the natural state of liberated Atman. Its always there. It never disappears. Like the Atman, Whether we live or, die; sleep, eat, run or, become unconscious, the Atman is ever-present inside us. And so is Turya. Its always present.

So its not a separate state.
Only we have forgotten our original blissful state.
We are unaware that we are always in Turya and imagining to be in the 3 lower states. This illusion is the birth and death cycle. We laugh, cry, eat, sleep, take birth, die in a dreamlike state. Yet unknowingly we are in the ever peaceful Turya.

When we are able to control our ever turbulent mind and stop it, we attain samadhi and find ourselves in Turya. Why? Thats because, in samadhi the illusions of the mind, the 3 lower states disappear, leaving the reality behind.
The reality is nothing but the Atman or, Turya.

~Amitabha Chatterjee.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yoga Sutras of Rishi Patanjali

Yoga sutra 1:12 Written in Sanskrit, with English translation. Practice relentlessly with dedication for a long period of time and be established in Yoga Samadhi.

Yoga sutra 1:14 written in Sanskrit script with English rendering. Practice and intense dispassion help to conquer the mental modifications.

Yoga sutra 1:27 and 1:28 written in Sanskrit script with the corresponding English translation. The word Om refers to God. Repeat the mantra and reflect on it's meaning.

~ Amitabha Chatterjee

Friday, March 26, 2010

Correcting Indian History

The colonial British Govt shook the very fundaments of Indian culture. They gave Indians a modern look, awakened us from a limbo to international politics. But they also took away a substantial part of our soul. Our honour, our pride in Indian culture was greatly damaged. They branded us pagans, idol worshippers, unsophisticated simpletons ridden in superstition, worshipper of cows and ash smeared beggers (yogi sadhus). In the clash of foreign modernism and our spiritual wisdom, we lost our self respect... the core of our ancient magnificent culture.

My fellow Indians, feel proud, for we have the scriptures that are the oldest in the world. Our ancient language, Sanskrit is the richest and most scientific. Our languages rank among the topmost languages in the world! "Of the top 20 contemporary native spoken languages of the world, 12 are Indo-European: Spanish, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, German, Marathi, French, Italian, Punjabi and Urdu, having over 1.6 billion native speakers". Among the 12 greatest languages, 5 are Indian! Yet the ancient vedic scriptures are negated and denigrated by the Western Historians for political purposes. Those who defile truth and twist it are not scientists, not archeologists, not historians, but dishonest charlatans. Even the early views of Max Muller about the Vedas were not very good, "The poems of Savages"!! When he gained sufficient insight into Sayan's treatise of the Vedas, the other historians would no longer listen to his truth. The time of origin of the Vedas is the wildest guesswork in the history of the world! Each of the Vedic periods, Rik, Sam, Yajur and Atharva have been given a meagre 200 years! And the time of the Upanishads? ZERO!! They just co-existed or came after Buddha. Thank god, the Pali canons proved the date of Buddha quite firmly, otherwise this champion of ancient India would have suffered a similar fate on the hands of pseudo-historians. This is why the real Indian history with proper provable record begin with Buddha. All our events circle around Buddha. The western scholars judge any philosophy as to the number of years it can be put before or after Buddha's time.

Lord Buddha sought out Gurus who were practicing the Upanishadic Philosophies and Yogas. The Jainas and Ajivakas were contemporary to Buddha and they come after the upanishadic period. Then how could the historians put a tag of 400 BCE on the Upanishads? Logic dictates that the Upanishads came much before the 6th century BCE. Also, the Svetasvetara Upanishad is full of Yoga. Katha, Kena upanishads, Yoga Vasistha Ramayana are full of Yogic wisdom too. That connotes the antiquity of the Vedic Yoga tradition. Even in Ramayana, there is no account of Lord Buddha. Yet Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras came, 350 years after Buddha, as per the westerners! The historians have fused Patanjali the Rishi of Yoga with Patanjali the Grammarian who wrote a treatise of the works of Panini (Sanskrit Grammerian). Furthermore, Panini reconstructed Sanskrit language, while Buddha preached in Pali (Prakrit=Broken sanskrit). Which mad logic puts Panini behind Buddha? The Period of Adi Shankaracharya has been dragged down to 750 years after Christ; when the truth is, Shankara existed at least a century before Christ! The maximum amount of bluff and guesswork has been introduced through the use of linguistics in history. And the Indian Scholars are not bold enough to challenge them. So, the Indians just ape the false history set up by the British and the Germans.

Did the early Aryans migrate? Yes Indeed! From the recent satellite photographs its clear that the gigantic Saraswati river basin was located between Har-ki-Dun in the Himalayas and the Runn of Kutch, Thar desert in Gujarat. It dried up around 2600-2500BCE and the Rishis had to migrate to the Ganga basin. The early civilizations were all river based. Thats why the most ancient Vedas speak of river Saraswati and the later Vedic hymns of Ganga. Even the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Puranas speak of Bhagirath's penance and the emergence of Ganga from Shiva's matted locks. The Indus Valley civilization was but a small part of the urban development that came much later than the early Rigveda. Majority of the Indus civilization was washed away with the movement of plates that shifted the course of the Saraswati river. This also proves unmistakably that the Aryan Rishis were ancient people of India; they originated, evolved into the highly intellectual, spiritual and philosophical civilization all by themselves in India. And there was never an Aryan Invasion from Russian Ural or, Europe as the Westerners try to imply. The Aryan Invasion Theory had been a hoax hatched to dominate politically. Are the historians blind or deaf? Now that India is free, it can easily set history straight. But giving too much importance to ancient Vedic civilization would be considered a favour to the Hindus. That would enrage the "other religions", a political disaster!! And this country is no more Bharat, or, Hindustan, but INDIA, the great secular nation. It has nothing to do with the Vedas or the Hindus. Let the old truths wither, decay and die out into oblivion.

~ Amitabha Chatterjee

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yoga Guru Gorakhnath

Adinath ke nati,
Machchindar ke poot,
Mai Yogi Gorakh Avadhoot.

This is an extract from the popular Hindi poem ascribed to Gorakhnath. It means, "I am the grandson of Adinath and the son of MatsyendraNath. My name is Gorakh and I am a Yogi monk (avadhoot).

Let us now try to understand the legend of great yogi Gorakhnath. Gorakhnath (also known as Gorakhsa, Goraksha, Gorakshanath) is famous as the principal mastermind, administrator, teacher and organiser of the whole Nath Yoga Tradition. He is indeed one of the greatest gurus in the field of yoga. The nath cult began with Shiva or AdiNath [ adi = primal ] followed by Matsyendra Nath --> GorakhNath. From Gorakhnath, the tradition branched and sub-branched into a multitude of Avadhoot Sadhus thoughout India for thousands of years. This Nath Cult became most renouned and powerful in the Pala Era. [ 8th century Ad to 12th century Ad] But this doesnt mean that the Naths began in the Pala era. The Adept yogis of India ( who have realised God and are known as Sant) mention the name of Gorakhnath with great respect. Yogi Gambhirnath says that the Asana ( seat) of Guru Gorakhnath was established in the Treta Yuga at the time of Lord Rama on earth! That must be at least 3ooo years ago. Gorakhnath through his relentless yogic austerities became immortal like Shiva. He lives even today in a place inaccessible to ordinary human beings. Whoever calls for his help or, asks for his bessings, gets it. Gorakhnath taught his fellow men to stop searching for God in idols and look for Him in their own hearts. Turn your gaze inwards. Gorakhnath and his disciples cried out for God using these sacred words, Alakh Niranjan . Alakh meaning invisible and Niranjan meaning unblemished, immaculate, purest. The Gorakhnathi Yogis consider the Guru to be equal to God. Gorakhnath has showed the path of Laya Yoga to the world. Laya Yoga includes easily practicable meditations of Anahata Nada sound, the Atma-jyoti (light of the soul in the third eye ) & so on.

Shankara Digvijaya is an ancient sanskrit manuscript that gives a detailed account of Adi Shankaracharya and his scholarly conquests. Shankara re-established Vedic culture in India and proved Nirguna Brahman ( the Absolute formless God as described in Vedanta ) to be the highest ideal of Spirituality. The separate schools of philosophies that worshipped innumerable deities differing in philosophy, appearance, rituals were subdued by Shankara in debates and yogic feats. All philosophers and ascetics of that time had to accept the Formless Brahman as the One God, the highest one and the various deities as smaller aspects or facets of his expression. Shankaracharya entered his last samadhi at a very young age of 32 about 2000 years ago. His disciples belong to the DasNama Cult. Most ochre robed monks in India today belong to this cult. In Shankara Digvijaya, we find a conversation between Shankara and his disciple Padmapada. Here Padmapada mentions the name of Gorakhnath as a "great yogi of ancient times" who rescued his master MatsyendraNath from the illusion of royal pleasures. [Chapter 9, verse 79 - 88]. If Gorakhnath is a yogi of yore for Shankaracharya himself, how ancient he must be!

Gorakhnath taught the secrets of a different strain of practical yoga to a monk of the Shankaracharya order. This disciple became a great yogi and attained the status of "Yogindra". Under the guidance of Gorakhnath, he wrote a manuscript to popularise this new form of yoga. This manuscript is now famous as the Hathayoga Pradipika and it's author is known as Swami Swatmaram. Hatha Yoga is the easier practical application of Raja Yoga ( mental or, psychological path of yoga ), through the physical and subtle bodies (nadi-chakra, channels of prana). Hatha means the union of the sun and the moon that exist in the subtle body. Ha = Sun, Tha = Moon. Please read the Khechari Mudra article to know more. Here:

A sanskrit song from far-off times states Gorakhnath as the Wisest of all Yogis.
Prathama Mani Omkara,
Devena Mani Mahadeva,
Gyanina Mani Goraksha,
Nadina Mani Ganga.
meaning: The Earliest and purest is Om. Mahadeva or Shiva is the highest among gods. Gorakhnath is the wisest of all. Ganga ( Ganges ) is the holiest among all rivers. The Nath tradition included both commoners and royalty. The householders embraced this religion, as well as the ash smeared, loincloth clad Avadhoot monks. The Nath monks endured untold hardship to gain the knowledge of God. Nine Immortal saints are considered to be the greatest among the Naths. They are, Matsyendra-Nath, Gorakh-Nath, Jalandhari-Nath, Kanif-Nath (Kanipa), Charpati-Nath, Bhartrihari-Nath, NaagNath, RevanNath, GahiniNath.

The works of Gorakhnath are as follows. Yoga Bija, Gorakhsa Samhita, Gorakhsa Sataka, Gorakh Bodh [in ancient Hindi ]. Many works have gone into oblivion, some are destroyed by the ravages of time and vandals, a few almost unknown manuscripts still exist in Buddhist Monasteries in the Himalayas and caves of yogis (in Assam near Kamakhya).

Sant Gyaneshwar, one of the most popular saints of Maharashtra, India, even considered as an incarnation of Lord Krishna was born in 1271 AD. He was initiated into the spiritual path by his elder brother NivrittiNath. When Nivritti was a small child, he was snatched by a tiger from his family. The tiger, instead of eating him, took him to a cave where great yogi Gorakhnath and his disciple GahiniNath were meditating. In this holy cave, Gahininath initiated the boy into Nath Yoga secrets. This cave is now famous as Gorakhsa-Gumpha near the Jyotirlingam of Trimbakeshwar (near Nasik, Maharashtra). Nivrittinath returned home and passed on the hidden knowledge to his younger brother Gyaneshwar. Sant Gyaneshwar (also known as Gyandev or, Dnyaneshwar ) performed numerous miracles and preached the knowledge of Bhagvad Gita in layman's terms among the common people, much to the dislike of the uppercaste brahmins of that time. He also wrote his version of the Gita in Marathi Prakrit, the vernacular language of that time. This Gita is famous as Gyaneshwari. Sant Gyaneshwar entered alive samadhi in a secret underground cave in Alandi, Maharashtra.

In Guru Grantha Sahib, the principal holy book of the Sikhs, Guru Nanak has written the name of Gorakhnath with great reverence. Many aspects of Guru Nanak's tradition fall togather with Gorakhnath's tradition. In Japuji, song 5, he says,
Thapia na jai, kita na hoi, Apei ap Niranjanu soi... ...
Gurumuhi nadam, Gurumukni Vedam, Gurumukhi Rahia samai,
Guru Isharu, Guru Gorakhsu Brahma, Guru Parvati Mai.
meaning: God cannot be established like an idol at a particular place for he is all pervading. God cannot be decorated by dress or flowers, for he is everything. He exists always in his own glory. He is Niranjan ~ unblemished, formless. Then Sant Guru Nanak praises the Guru to be equal to God. He uses the names of God (Ishwara, Gorakhsa, Brahman, Parvati) as being the same as the Guru. He also says that one can only know the secrets of Nada, Veda, Yoga through the Guru. Japuji 9 : "Suniai Joga, Jugati, Tanabhed." Yoga, Union with the Omnipresent, Piercing of the Chakras can only be achieved by listening to the directions of the Guru.
Japuji 29 states,
Bhugati Gyanu daia bhandari ghati ghati bajai Nada
Api Nathu Nathi Sabh Jaki Riddhi Sidhh Abara Sadha.
Sanjogu Bijogu Dui Kar Chalavahi Lekhe Abahi Bhag.
Adeshu tisai Adeshu.
Adi Anilu Anadi Anahati Jugu Jugu Eko Vesu.
Here Guru Nanak describes the value of Nada Yoga and describes God as the greatest Nath or Master of Yoga. He puts aside minor siddhis or yogic miracles as trivias compared to God. Here also the Sikh Guru cries out to God for direction, just as Guru Gorakhnath did uttering the word, Adesh. Guru Nanak lived from 1469 AD to 1539 Ad. He is the greatest Holyman in the Sikh community, the most sacred Guru in Punjab and worshipped like God.

By Amitabha Chatterjee

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Khechari Mudra : The complete Yoga

Khechari : The complete Yoga - Kechari -

The principle of Khechari was adopted by the Yogis from snakes going in hibernation for long periods of time. They improved upon it and came up with khechari. Such is my personal belief.

Please read Hatha Yoga Pradipika chapter 3.

Verse 32: Kechari Mudra is done by inserting the tongue into the hole in the soft palate at the roof of the mouth, by turning it backward.

33. In order to be successful, the tongue must lengthened into a Lambika (such as the long tongue of Goddess Kali). Sometimes cutting the frenulum (a mucous membrane extending from the floor of the mouth to the midline of the underside of the tongue) is necessary. Else, pull or move your tongue around constantly. When it gets long enough, to reach the point between the eyebrows, then Kechari becomes possible.

36. The frenulum is cut 1/2 millimeter each day and the wound is sealed. In 6 months, the tongue becomes free & quite long. (Note: Dont eat food or drink that are too hot like chilli or too sour. This will make the tongue thicker and interfere with Khechari.)

38. A Yogi adept in Khechari, who turns his tongue upward in his seat (usually Siddhasana), is impervious to poisons, disease, ageing and death.

39. He overcomes disease, death, sleep, laziness, hunger, thirst, and fainting.

43. NECTAR: If a Yogi can drink the Juice of Soma (Moon) by meditating in Khechari mudra, surely he subdues Death within 15 days!

44. The Khechari expert cannot be killed even if bitten by the most poisonous snake; because his body is imbued with nectar.

45. Death cannot enter a body which is full of Nectar secreted from Soma (The triangular Moon mandala inside Sahasrara, the 1000 petalled Lotus)

48. The Juice of Immortality is secreted by the moon.

49. Taste the nectar with the tip of the tongue. The Ambrosia may be salty, bitter, sour, milky, or, like ghee(clarified butter) or, honey. Be free from disease, old age, be thou immortal and pull astral beings by the magnetic force.

50. The nectar falls from the Moon in the brain to the 8 petalled lotus near the heart. He who catches it by balancing Prana and doing Khechari and meditates on the source of all Power (Kundalini or Mahashakti or Almighty or whatever you call it!) becomes free from all physical ailments and lives a very long life.

Note: If you try it unguided (without the help of an experienced yogi) and block the internal nares and stop the oxygen flow, you may be unconscious or even suffer terminal damage. Please be patient, this is not a magic pill, it may take years to accomplish. A surgeon might assist you in getting the frenulum of tongue cut. But even then you must practice everyday by turning the tongue back, pushing the top palate, etc. Yogi Gorakhnath said that yoga without knowledge and knowledge without yoga are both useless... like a bird with a single wing. It cannot fly like that. So, you must combine spiritual wisdom, meditation on one higher power with your physical yoga in order to make it a success. Otherwise, you will only gain a blackout state like a long deep sleep out of Khechari. Yoga, after all, is not just a gymnastic exercise, its practical spirituality.
Good luck.
~ written by:
Amitabha Chatterjee